Useful Links - Fondazione Buzzi
Useful links
The purpose of the association is to give voice to Medical Oncology in order to promote the progress in the clinical, experimental and social-welfare fields. is the leading online resource for mesothelioma patients and their loved ones. The website is dedicated to providing the most accurate, detailed information about asbestos, mesothelioma and lung cancer.
ASCO provides education and resources to support oncology practices and promote the provision of high quality and high value oncological care. is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical trials conducted worldwide.
Non-profit foundation for research, education and information on biomedical sciences serving the ill.
iMig – International Mesothelioma Internet Group – is an independent association of scientists and physicians involved in researching, treating and preventing mesothelioma.
An initiative dedicated to mesotheliioma patients developed by LILT (Italian association for the battle against cancer ) Alessandria, in collaboration with ASL AL (NHS Alessandria) and Azienda Ospedaliera Santi Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo. MAI DA SOLI is sustained by the Buzzi Unicem Foundation.
The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (MARF) is a non-profit national association dedicated to ending the suffering caused by mesothelioma by funding research, educating patients, and lobbying for federal funding.
Mesothelioma information web sitecreated by healthcare professionals, patient advocates, and communication specialists.
The (Italian) National Mesothelioma Registry (Renam) works as a regional network. In each region an Operational center (Cor) is set up with the task of identifying all cases of mesothelioma in the area and of analyzing the professional and environmental history of the patients to identify how they were exposed to asbestos.