The term "patient-centered care" - is currently used to describe a methodology of care that places the patient at the center of clinical decision. This model is different from the disease-centered or therapy-centered mode of care, which has been the most widespread until today.
The patient is his best doctor and he is actively involved in his care with a significant prognostic impact.
Therefore, the aim of the present project is to implement a proactive monitoring system of patients with mesothelioma, analyzing the symptoms related to the disease and the oncological therapies based on the model of patients reported outcomes of the CTCAE (NCI-PRO-CTCAETM ITEMS ITALIAN). In particular, the identified dedicated staff will have these priority functions: the administration of questionnaires to the patient and the caregiver, the recording of data on databases with related analysis, the communication of any symptoms to the reference doctors and the support to the activity clinic. Therefore, this research aims to improve the clinical-care quality of the patient receiving standard therapy.