Elementi Navigazione

The Buzzi Unicem Foundation and the family of Dr. Franco Buzzi recently donated a television system to the Pneumology Department of the Spedali Civili in Brescia.  The system consists of 48 television sets with headphones that connect to the headboard of the hospital bed so that patients can watch their favorite programs without disturbing their roommates.

The Foundation has also been involved in equipping two monitored confinement rooms so that the sickest respiratory patients can receive individualized assistance, plus helping to furnish the Thoracoscopy Center with modern equipment.  

Mrs. Nicoletta Palli, the wife of Dr. Franco Buzzi who died last year from pleural mesothelioma, and their daughters Mia, Barbara, Veronica and Benedetta represented the Buzzi Foundation.  Gianfranco Tassi, the chief physician of the Pneumology department welcomed them to the facility, and is joined by Cornelio Coppini, the chief administrator of the hospital, in extending their gratitude for the donation.