Elementi Navigazione

Charity dinner in favor of the Buzzi Unicem Foundation for research on mesothelioma

On the evening of 11 October, Fondazione Buzzi Unicem received a donation of €2400, which will contribute to the study and research on malignant pleural mesothelioma, a rare disease known worldwide with a still poor prognosis.

The funds were raised by the Lions Club Marchesi del Monferrato and the Leo Club Casale Monferrato during the dinner 'Cena dei Cuochi' organized last 13 June at the Società Canottieri, during which courses prepared by some of the most famous chefs of the area were served. The large participation in the event demonstrated how much the cause is important and considered a priority for Casale and its citizens. The sum raised from this evening, equal to €7200, was donated in equal parts to the three associations that operate in the area and deal with the study, treatment and assistance of mesothelioma patients: the Fondazione Buzzi Unicem, Vitas and Pulmino Amico.